Past meetings/Events
- March 1 - Spring mushroom hunting in the Sacramento Region, Pres. Jim Adams. Franklin Community Library, Elk Grove.
- January 5 - Foray in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore.
- December 29 - Union Hill trailhead for Empire Mine State Park.
- November 30 - Second fall foray. Grass Valley, Highway 20.
- November 17 - First fall foray. Bullards Bar Reservoir.
- November 14 - Mushroom growing discussion and fall meeting, South Natomas Library Community Room.
- October 16 - Introduction to mushroom hunting in the Sacramento area presentation hosted by Belle College Library.
- June 1 - Morel hunting foray in the El Dorado National Forest.
- May 18 - Morel hunting foray in the El Dorado National Forest.
- February 8- -Winter meeting at Belle Cooledge Library.
- January 20 - Foray in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore.
- November 11 - Foray at Skillman Campground in the Tahoe National Forest.
- November 4 - Foray at Bullards Bar Reservoir in the Tahoe National Forest. species list.
- October 24 - Fall Meeting at Belle Cooledge Library.
- June 3 - Morel hunting foray in the El Dorado National Forest.
- May 27 -Morel hunting foray in the El Dorado National Forest.
- May 20 - Morel hunting foray in the El Dorado National Forest.
- May 9 - Meeting at Belle Cooledge Library - Morel Hunting presentation.
- March 19 - SAM Webinar – Mushrooming with Children presented by Melany Kahn, Author of Mason Goes Mushrooming.
- January 26 - Meeting at South Natomas Library – mushroom ID and future planning.
- December 15 - Meeting at Belle Cooledge Library – Ellen and Kevin Wehr described their recent mushroom trip to Nepal.
- November 11 - Around 22 folks and a charming 3-yr. old met at the Schoolhouse Campground, Marysville Road, Camptonville (New Bullards Bar Reservoir) – led by Jim Adams. Picking were slim as the season is just beginning. See species list.
- October 27 - Meeting at Belle Cooledge Library. Watch Jim Adams' presentation Introduction to Mushroom Hunting in the Sacramento Area
- May 14 - Twenty-five people gathered for a successful hunt on South Fork Rd. North off of Ice House Rd. The foray elevation was 5,200 to 5,500 feet. In addition to morels a few other mushrooms were found: Verpa bohemica, Ramaria and Amanita (species undetermined) and many LBMs. See photos.
- April 23 - Morel Foray, Pollock Pines
- December 18 - Georgetown area, led by Michael Sampson - species list.
- November 13Schoolhouse Campground, Marysville Road, Camptonville (New Bullards Bar Reservoir), led by Jim Adams - table display and species list.
- February 6 - "Snowbank Lovers, Fire-followers, and More: Spring Mushrooming in the Sierra Nevada” presentation by Thea Chesney, Sacramento
- April 27 - Georgetown area
- November 17 - Taylor Lockwood's presentation, Sacramento
- April 22 - Morel Foray, Georgetown area
- November 18 - Salt Point
- April 29 - Georgetown area - species list
- December 12 - Rockville Hills Park - species list
- October 22 - Fleming Meadow, Sly Park - species list
- January 24 - Rockville Hills Park - species list
- January 9 - Shingle Springs - species list
- December 5Georgetown area - species list
- April 18Morel Foray, Georgetown area
- December 20 - Rockville Hills Park - species list
- December 6 - Georgetown area - lots of matsies
- November 14 - Sly Park Foray, Mormon Emigrant Trail- species list
- April 30 - Cultivation workshop
- April 18 - Georgetown Foray - species list
- January 22 - Taylor Lockwood presentation
- December 10 - Business meeting and mushroom ID in Sacramento
- June 29 - Potluck social hosted by Jim Adams in Sacramento
- April 9 - Business meeting and mushroom ID in Sacramento
- December 23 - Rockville Park -- cancelled, washed out.
- November 10 - Sly Park -- snowed out!
- April 12 - Fungi ID Workshop, led by Mike Davis, UCD
- March 14 - Sacramento meeting, David Rust, NAMA
- November 5 - Sly Park - species list
- April 30 - Morel foray, Bullards Bar
- March 2 - Potluck social, Mike Davis and Bob Sommer discussed their forthcoming field guide.
- December 24 - Rockville Hills foray, led by Dan Tilley - species list
- December 12 - Lotus foray, led by Robert Jordan and Roger Stroud - species list
- November - Bullards Bar foray - species list
- May 8 - Sierra foray,
near Georgetown, led by Mike Sampson
- January - Colfax foray -- Canceled, too soggy!
- DecemberRockville Hlls foray, near Fairfield, led by Dan Tilley species list
- NovemberSierra foray, near Georgetown, led by Mike Sampson - table display
- MaySierra foray, near Georgetown, led by Mike Sampson - mostly morels
- MarchMeeting and talk on fungal DNA by Prof. Mike Davis, UC Davis
- December - Foray at Rockville Hills Regional Park
- see list with
Bob's watercolors
- December - Bob Sommer "Mushroom foray in Oaxaca"
- January - Foray at Rockville Hills Regional Park
- January - Bob Sommer "A Formerly Nearsighted Mycophile and His
Farsighted Partner"
& Melissa Morris "Mushrooms of Salt Point"
- December - Mushroom Identification 101: Video and live specimens
- November - Matt Smith "How to Identify Boletes"
- April - Peter Kennedy "Ectomycorrhizal Communities at Point
- March - Anne Pringle "Is Amanita phalloides a European immigrant
to North America?"
- February - Lisa Grubisha, Rhizopogon
- - Oyster Cultivation Workshop
- December 9 - 4th Annual Mushroom Identification Workshop
- November 18 - Gabriel Leete "Alleviating World Poverty with Mushroom
- October 21 - Matt Smith "Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in California Blue
Oak Woodlands"
- April 14 - Oyster Cultivation Pledgeathon and Photos by club member
Bob Cothrin
- March 18 - Else
Vellinga "Lepiotas in California"
- February 20 - Elio Schaechter "What
are mushrooms, anyhow?
- January - Salt Point foray
- January - 3rd Annual Mushroom Identification Workshop
- December - Melissa Morris "Mushroom of Mexico"
- November - Jim Trappe "Truffles"
- October - Meagan Romberg "2003 International Fungus and Fiber
Symposium in Australia"
- May
- Foray at El Dorado National Forest
- April - Membership/ Oyster Cultivation
- March - Steve Trudell "Mycorrhizae, the Foundations of the Forests"
- February - Melissa Morris "Fungi of Costa Rican Cloud Forests"
- January - 2nd Annual Mushroom Identification Workshop
- November - Taylor F. Lockwood "Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi"
- October - Barbara and Bob Sommer "Mushrooms from Tlaxcala, Mexico"
- May - Elio Schaechter "Mushrooms in Art"
- April - Matt Smith "Studies on Oak Ectomycorrhiza in California's
Sierra Foothills"
- March - Chris Friel "Mushroom Cultivation"
- February - Darrin DeShazer "Edible Mushrooms"
- November - 1st Annual Mushroom Identification Workshop
- October - Kendra Baumgartner
- September - Admir Gianchini "Gomphus genetics"
- May - David Arora
- April - David Rizzo "Sudden Oak Death"
- March - Bob Sommer "Corn Smut Art"& Chris Friel "Boletes"
- February - Megan Romberg and Chris Friel "Dyeing & morels/boletes"
- January - First Meeting